lunedì 25 gennaio 2010

Our weekend in Brazil!

After a long and hard week of lessons, homework and visits, we had a fantastic week end, our first brazilian one.
All of us were so happy about that and full of enthusiasm. We really wanted to have some time to the beach and we planned to go to the most famous beach of Rio de Janeiro: Copacabana. We reached the beach at about 12 in the morning all brave and happy for the sun that was not supposed to be that day. We enjoyed so much the time there but we didn’t care enough about the strong tropical sun of Rio and after a couple of hours all of us were looking for some shelters under the palms.
Then we decided to go to one of the most famous attractions of Rio de Janeiro: Pan de Azucar.

The view was amazing, and we realized how big this city is…. Incredible!

Our Sunday, instead, was dedicated to the shopping and the special location for it was the hippie market at Ipanema beach. We spent there about two hours; there were so many things to see and we noticed that we like spending reais for souvenirs.
A pit stop at Ipanema beach were just few of us, the brave ones, decided to lay under the sun another bit.
At about 5 pm we took for the first time the metro of Rio to reach Santa Teresa where we took a nice train full of people, holding themselves even outside, to go up towards the nice quartier. The journey was nice, we saw a party in a square, pubs, shops, bars and wonderful colonial houses with a beautiful sight of Rio.

We really had a fantastic week end, we got home tired, burned by the sun but really really happy. It was important for us because we discovered more things about Brazilian lifestyle, that we can understand not only from the interesting university lessons we are having but also through the personal participation in it.


1 commento:

  1. Bella vita Marta, qui si muore di freddo e voi li belli belli al calduccio a studiare e fare relazioni fino alle 3 del mattino.

    Un saluto dalla fredda Lombardia.
